The Role of Mindfulness in Dealing with Change
The key to navigating change is to have a solid base for that journey into the unknown. That “base” is a capability to be aware of what you are feeling and thinking. When we are hit with unexpected change or uncertainty we often go directly into “autopilot” mode. ...

The karma of social media and maintaining mindfulness
Karma is a Sanskrit term that literally means “action” or “doing.” In the Buddhist tradition, karma refers more specifically to action driven by intention….. that leads to future consequences. The link between karma and energy Karma does not imply that you get rewards...

Personal Power to Reduce Struggle
Have you ever heard or read the same news as a friend, but had a totally different reaction? That can happen because we relate to everyone and everything through our own personal filters. We see situations through the lens of memory of past experiences or desires...

Stay Positive and Change Your Focus
When we become aware of what we're thinking and believing, we then have the power to use those thoughts as a steppingstone to shift our initial interpretation. When we choose not to believe every thought that comes into our head, we can build an awareness of our...
Why We Fear Change and Managing that Fear
We can begin to relieve our fear of change by understanding it better and by practicing to lessen those fears. In this post, you’ll have a chance to consider a few strategies to help manage that worry and nervousness. If change and uncertainty make you feel nervous or...

BOOK EXCERPT: Happier at Work
The positive experience of goodness in life is connected with opening our hearts and tearing down the walls that separate us from each other and keep us from being intimately in touch with our world. It takes a lot of courage to open our hearts to ourselves in the...

8 Tips For A Good Night’s Sleep
A good night’s sleep is essential for…well just about everything! Sleep plays an important role in both learning and memory and our physical health. A lack of sleep can make it difficult to focus and take in new information. While we sleep, our brain processes our...

Cultivating an Abundance Mindset
The word abundance has a fullness and richness to it. Every time I say it, I am struck by its impact. It truly is one of my favorite words. Its meaning is “to have more than you need.” Its meaning with mindfulness can take us from a place of despair or overwhelm to...

How to Get Control Over Feelings of Overwhelm
When things get out of control, feelings of overwhelm can take over quickly. We never really know how things will go, but when you find yourself in a critical situation, you may panic because you feel out of control. When that happens, it is helpful to recognize what...

Using Curiosity to Stay Present
In today's fast-paced professional world, staying present and mindful can feel like an uphill battle. But what if the key to enhancing your mindfulness and effectiveness at work was something as simple as curiosity? Curiosity isn't just for the inquisitive child or...
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